Be assured that we do not store your card details. When you enter the card details you are redirected to the respective banks secure payment site. Bank exchanges the data provided by you with your card issuing bank through a Secured Socket Layer. Your card issuing bank authorizes or rejects the transaction, based on which we process or reject the order. At no point do we receive / store your card details.
Please refer to Privacy Policy for more details.
Is the information I enter encrypted?
Yes, we encrypt all credit / debit card or payment information using 128 bit encryption programs.

What happens if merchandise ordered is out of stock?

If the merchandise is out of stock when you are adding it to your shopping bag, you will be informed immediately, and the merchandise won't get added to the shopping bag.
If the merchandise is out of stock after it has been added to your shopping bag before the checkout is completed, you will be informed at the time of check out.
You then need to remove it from your bag before proceeding to check out.
If merchandise goes out of stock after you placed the order and received an order-confirmation, then we will put our best to fulfill the order by sourcing the selected merchandise.
In circumstances that we are not able to source it for you, or if it is take longer than 4 days to ship, we will inform you about the delay and cancel the merchandise and shall reverse any charges made to your credit / debit card against that merchandise.

No, however when the order quantities are large, we may verify in order to ensure your security, to confirm that you have indeed ordered for these items.

Yes, you can cancel the order fully or partially before it is shipped. However, you cannot cancel your order for the loyalty points or gift vouchers, once placed. To check the status of whether your order has been shipped or not, click on the "Order Status" link at the top of the page, and then on the link to the specific order, which will indicate the shipping status of each merchandise in your order. However, additions to an order, or changes to the merchandise ordered, are not possible.

In case I change my mind about the size picked up, can I have it exchanged?

Yes, for most products, you can exchange unused items. Some products are excluded from this for hygiene reasons. For details on which products cannot be exchanged or returned, please refer our return policy.